What are some mind-blowing facts related to technology?

By tushar083 - August 17, 2017

These images put together by Hi-likes highlight just how dependant we have become on technology as well as mentioning how increasingly advanced technologies such as AI (artificial intelligence) are becoming more powerful for better or for worse. From smartphones, apps, the internet and even online dating... 
1] Entire data of the world can be stored in 4 grams of DNA.
image source : Kinetix.
A gram of DNA can store 455 exabytes of data. An exabyte has one billion gigabytes. The world’s data is around 1.8 zettabytes, and a zettabyte has 1,000 exabytes. So yes, all the world’s data can be stored in a DNA hard drive the size of a teaspoon.
2] EBAY started out as a website providing information about Ebola.
The site did not start as an online auction website. It had sections for biotech startups, travel and personal shopping and details about Ebola.
3] A 15-year old with a PC hacked NASA in 1999.
image source : Eldiario.
Between August and October of 1999, Jonathan James used his skills as a hacker to intercept data from the Defense Threat Reduction Agency or DTRA (a division of the US Dept. Of Defense). He had access to over 3,000 messages, usernames and passwords of DTRA employees. He also obtained source code for the International Space Station (to control temperature/humidity).
NASA was forced to shut down computers for three weeks to fix the problem at an estimated cost of $41,000. He was ultimately sentenced when he was 16 – but it just goes to show what a 15-year old in South Florida, sitting with a computer and the right set of skills can do.
4] Email existed before the world wide web.
There's an interesting clip on YouTube: "How to send an Email – Database – 1984". This was from a tech TV show called Database and the presenters demonstrated what it took to actually send an email back in those days.You had to use a computer and a rotary telephone to connect to a service called Micronet. This was pre-WWW, so there were no URLs, just numbered webpages. For emails, the webpage number was 7776.
5] Microsoft wants to put their cloud data center under water.
image source : The New Stack.
Project Natick is aimed at building and running a data center submerged in the ocean which can make data centers efficient and eco-friendly solving the biggest problem of keeping them cool.
6] Your google searches have an ecological effect.
Google servers release almost 200 tons of CO2 per day performing an estimated 1 billion searches every day.
7] QWERTY was designed to slow you down.
image source : Google images.
There are actually two theories to this. The first one starts to make sense when you look at manual typewriters. If someone typed too fast, the keys would jam. QWERTY placed common alphabets at a distance from each other and slowed typists down.
Another theory is that telegraph operators designed the QWERTY layout because it was easier (and faster) to decipher Morse code.
Either way, there was no reason to keep using the layout, but it stuck and there was resistance to change. You can actually change your keyboard layout to the faster Dvorak layout in the language settings (or just buy a new Dvorak keyboard).
8] Domain name registrations were free till 1995.
Nobody really knew what the internet was capable of back then and this was a huge opportunity for people to own all kinds of do domain names. It was in 1995 that a company called Network Solutions was granted the rights to charge people for domain names. And it was expensive too: prices typically started at $100 per two years of registration.
As much as 30 per cent of this was a fee that went to the National Science Foundation to create an 'Internet Intellectual Infrastructure Fund'. This fee was later reversed in 1997, bringing the charge down to $70 for two years.

9] A 13-year-old boy named Shubham Banerjee created the first braille printer named Braigo (comes from Braille-lego).

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