What are some of the mind-blowing facts about the Baahubali movie?

By tushar083 - August 15, 2017

Okay, so I am going to include Bahubali 2 in my answer and I hope that’s not going to be an issue. I figured out some glaring similarities between the two part Bahubali and one of our favorite movies of all time.
Yes, the Lion King (1994).
Let me get to them point-wise.
  • Two brothers are up for the same throne. While the younger one was more suited for the role, the elder one despised him.
  • The older brother schemes to kill the younger brother and succeeds. (Even the background is the exact same)
  • The older brother has a scar. Over the eye - it’s good that they at least swapped the position. ( I know it’s funny, but how could anyone miss this ?)
  • Wise, old characters remain loyal to the throne and to the rightful King. They even hold the heir in a surprisingly similar fashion while addressing the citizens.
  • Son of the fallen King spends majority of his time away from the kingdom with a carefree lifestyle. He grows into an adult in the meantime.
  • The girl he falls in love with brings him back to the Kingdom. ( A waterfall too ? Similarity overloaded )
  • The prince recognizes his duty and returns to re-claim the kingdom which is rightfully his.
  • The older brother keeps his younger brother’s wife imprisoned.
  • Father’s impression in the clouds.
  • The rightful prince kills his evil Uncle and claims the throne.
  • Uncanny resemblance of the father-son duo.
Yes and that’s about it. I like both the movie franchises very much. While Bahubali revolutionized the use of CGI and introduced a whole new scale for film production, the Lion King shall always remain close to our hearts. But this much similarity between them is ample, won’t you say ?

Thaanks For Reading Through. 

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