OMG! 12 Youngest Parents in The World
By tushar083 - August 30, 2017

An age where kids generally enjoy their childhood, do immature activities and also starts learning from the environment around them. But there are few extra ordinary kids who were the victim of innocence and misbehavior that made them the youngest parents in the world. Can you believe that at the age of 5-15, girls got pregnant by their stupid mates, axed their childhood by own hands. Girls which were supposed to play with tops or we can say doing school homework were actually breastfeeding their child.
Alfie Patten of 13 years old became proud dad when her 15 years old girlfriend Chantelle Stedman welcomed baby girl in the world.
Alleshia Gregson at the age of 14 became the mother of two children. Firstly at the age of 12 she gave birth to son then after 2 years he welcomed new life.
April Webster and Nathan Fishbourne joined the club of youngest parents when April at the age of 14 gave birth to a baby boy.
World’s Youngest Grandparents from Britain
At the age of 11 Rifca Stanescu ran away with her lover Lonel Stanescu and just after one year she got pregnant and gave birth to a baby girl. After 11 years , her daughter Maria gave birth to new life baby boy. Maria was in relationship with 15 years-old named Ion.Thus Rifca Stanescu became the youngest grandmother.

Jordan Williams and Tia John became parents just at the age of 14 years old.
Kordeza Zhelyazkova at the age of 11 became pregnant by her lover Jeliazko Dimitrov and gave birth to baby boy.
Lina Medina from Peru became youngest mother at the age of 5 when she gave birth to a 6 pound boy.