What does your favourite sandwich say about you?
By tushar083 - September 04, 2017
Cheese and pickle, B.L.T, tuna and sweetcorn…With so many varieties of bread, sandwich fillings, and seasonings, we’re spoiled for choice. But we all have a favourite. So what does your sarnie filling say about you?

A classic! And according to analysts, people who choose this sandwich are often self-indulgent. They love socialising and eating out instead of staying in. They can be materialistic, but have a good sense of humour, which is also something they look for in friends and partners.
Cheese and pickle

This simple sandwich is thought to be chosen by people who like to plan things and be successful. They may like to keep things simple, but they can also have a temper on them when pushed. They’re open and honest and always tell the truth – what you see is what you get!
Egg mayonnaise

Analysts believe that those who opt for an egg mayo sandwich, tend to be quiet, private people. They like to keep themselves to themselves and find social situations tiring. They enjoy spending time alone, and are real home-lovers.

Ham sandwich lovers are thought to be curious with a wide range of interests. They can be independent without the need to be in a relationship, and they’re more productive when working alone and not under supervision.
Tuna and sweetcorn

Those who opt for tuna are natural leaders and are driven to achieve, according to analysts. They’re competitive and successful but can be quite aggressive too.
Chicken or turkey salad

This sandwich is thought to be chosen by people who are easy-going and understanding. They’re also strong and dependable and seem to be the most compatible with people who love egg sandwiches.

Lovers of a prawn sarnie are believed to be sensitive souls who are friendly and tactile. They’re sensitive and shy away from conflict, and can also be easily led. They love shopping and are considered to be very fashionable.
Spicy chicken wrap

Those who like a kick in their sarnie are said to be talkative and sociable. They’re very bubbly but can also be feisty and easily riled. They tend to act on impulse without thinking things through properly.