13 spooky photos that prove ghosts really do exist

By tushar083 - August 23, 2017

Here’s 13 spooky pics from the pages of Chat it’s fate to enjoy! Beware! Don’t view alone!

1. Who’s that watching?

Orb face

Leah Morgan from Motspur Park and her friend Nikki were celebrating at a mate’s wedding when this pic was taken. Nikki’s surrounded by orbs and the one at the top left has a face in it! Obviously not too impressed by her ‘Oops Up Side Your Head’ dancing!

2. Monk-ey business

Helen Pilgrim from Nottingham took a pic of her son riding his bike through a local park and when she looked at them later, found a spectral monk there looking on. Wheelie scary if you ask us!

3. Cottage pie face

Ghostly Face
Victoria Harris’ 200-year-old cottage in Pembrokeshire is the setting for our next spooky pic. Taken in her living room, the face by the chair could well be a former resident who doesn’t want to move out just yet!

4. Swimming surprise

Swim face
Whilst swimming in Lanzarote, Natasha Reid from Dundee had this photo taken of her enjoying herself in the crystal clear waters. But when she looked at them later, was rather shocked to find a weird face on her left foot! A good excuse to stay on dry land if you ask us!

5. Figure of mystery

Ghostly figure
Craig Cocks’ dad works as a security guard in Cheshire and one evening his mate took a pic as they were doing their rounds. After taking the pic, they scarpered after spotting this ghostly figure on the right! Quite possibly the best of our 13 Spooky pics for Halloween!

6. A grave situation

Grave pic
This photo taken by Maria Mather from Blackburn is of a rather pretty cemetery near where she lives. Later when she looked at the pics, she noticed the shadowy figure near the gravestones. Obviously a resident out for an evening’s stroll!

7. Face of death

Dungeon pic
Whilst visting Worceter Guildhall’s Dungeons, Jessica Chadwick felt rather uneasy. Cold pockets of air kept circulating round the dungeon and when she looked at one of the pics she’d taken, she was horrified to find a face staring out at her. A victim of the terrible things done to people down there? Possibly!

8. Hoodie haunting!

Hoody ghost
Testing out her new camera at home, Lora Smith from Gloucestershire captured a strange figure in the corner of the room! The brooding, dark apparation certainly wasn’t there when she was taking the photo! Brrrr!!!

9. Friend in the forest?

Wood Goblin
John Sutton from Leyland was holidaying in the Lake District and took some random snaps of some of the trees in the area. He wasn’t expecting a goblin to be staring out at him from one of them when he looked back later!

10. Like a prayer…

Milan ghost
In Milan’s breathtaking cathedral, Petya Shahanska could feel someone or something nearby. Looking around and finding no one there, she took a snap of the altar. When looking back at the pics, she was shocked to see that she wasn’t actually alone!

11. Creep on campus

College ghost
On a college campus in Dublin in 1850 and 1860, two students tragically took their own lives in the same room. Fast forward to 2013 and Lisa Campbell from Drogheda was attending her friend’s brother’s graduation and took some snaps of the happy occasion. Whilst browsing through the pics afterwards, she was seriously creeped out by the scary face peering from the room itself!

12. Ghoul in the middle

Green eyes
On a visit to Nottingham castle, Shareen Hussain took a picture of a couple of his mates just outside it. Looking back at it later, he was a little surprised to find a green head with glowing eyes had joined them! Just don’t look round lads!

13. Waving goodbye

Wave figure
The crashing waves of Lynmouth in Devon are the setting for our last spooky pic. Karen Goldston from Staffordshire’s hubby took a pic of a wave crashing into the sea wall. Upon looking at them later, he noticed that one looked like a woman clutching a child! Maybe it’s the spirit of a local who drowned there in the terrible flood of 1952…

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