1. You can lower your blood pressure just by petting your pup!

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3. The reason dogs curl up is because of an age-old instinct to keep themselves warm and to protect vital organs while they sleep.
6. If you leave your dog a piece of clothing that smells like you, the scent will comfort them and it can help curb their separation anxiety.

7. The basenji is the only breed of dog that can't bark, but they can yodel!

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8. When dogs poop, they prefer to do it in alignment with the Earth's magnetic field.

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9. If a guy has a dog with him, he's three times more likely to get a girl's phone number.
14. In a study done by scholars at the University of California, it was found that dogs can get jealous if they see their humans displaying affection toward something or someone else.
15. Dogs don't ONLY see in black and white — they can also see blue and yellow!
17. Dogs can be trained to detect changes in the human body — there are even seizure alert dogs that assist patients during the onset of a seizure.
18. There are also diabetic alert dogs who signal their human when they pick up on the special scent that is released when their human's insulin levels drop.
19. When your dog spins in a circle before settling down to snuggle, it's because he's making himself at home! This is a nesting trait carried down from your dog's wilder ancestors.
20. A German shepherd seeing-eye dog named Orient led his human, Bill Irwin, over the 2,100-mile hike through the Appalachian Trail. Irwin was the first blind man to make the journey.

22. Dalmatian puppies are born completely white and develop their spots over time!

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23. A service dog named Kirsch received an honorary master's degree in mental health counseling for attending all of his owner's classes.

24. If your dog's paws smell like corn chips, it's most likely because dogs only have sweat glands in their feet! That smell is their ~natural~ body odor.
25. Dogs have at least 18 muscles in each ear!

Photo Credit: Lon Fong Photography-off more than on these days.. via Compfight cc